Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seriously Republicans?

Why couldn't you just vote on the defense bill? So what if the Democrats tacked on the "don't ask, don't tell" repeal last minute. We all know that it needs to go away. It's perfectly illogical to think that a person's sexual orientation has anything to do with their ability to be a good soldier. I had a roommate who married a woman who would have made a horrible soldier. I was more manly that he was.

It's really sad that a big buff guy who wants to defend his country technically isn't allowed to because he prefers to put his penis inside another man's asshole than in a vagina. Seriously? This might just be crazy talk, but I'd prefer to have a big gay manly soldier on my side than a wimpy WOW playing nerdy soldier who claims to like women.

In addition to passing on repealing one of the dumbest laws ever, they also passed up a raise for our soldiers. Good going guys, so now all those strait guys with lots of kids to support (which is what the GOP wants, remember) can't afford to feed their kids, because they won't get that raise they were hoping on, and wifey's preggo with #4.

Why don't people think before they vote?

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